Thursday, January 31, 2013

Everyone Parents Differently:

It’s amazing how we can all parent in a different way. How I parent, may not be the way you or anyone else parents their children, and you may or maynot agree with my parenting skills. How I like to parent my children may be wrong in someone else’s eyes, and how the mother may like to parent or parents their children maybe different from how the father does, which can lead to not agreeing, but you both have to find a happy medium (which can be hard). It’s not easy but we all need to talk to one another and talk about our parenting techniques and we all may gain insight and helpful tips on what to do with certian ages (like the terrible twos, as most would say), potty training and other things. Lets all start a worldwide stir of parenting tips, tricks, hints and techniques.
Ask-Mama (Krysta)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Mommy Characteristics:

 Based on your responses, here’s what we've discovered about your Mom-Style.
Only 22% of moms have a style that is similar to yours.
We see the following characteristics in you:
You tend to be at your best when you’re organized. You are apt to plan ahead and do everything you can to make sure you accomplish things in an efficient and effective manner.
As a mom, you are likely to be on the lookout for the latest advances in pediatric care and infant products. You tend to research everything from car seats to formula, so that you can provide your baby with the very best start in life and every advantage towards a successful future.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Still Breastfeeding:

Yes I still breastfeed my daughter at 14 months and no one will stop me or her. I am going to let her decide when to wean/stop breastfeeding but my ultimate goal is at least 2 years. If anyone has a problem with that that’s your issue not mine. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing a mother can do for her babies/child. And just to say for those who think us breastfeeding mothers do it for sexual gratification you need help. We do it because it’s the best and healthiest option for our baby not because we get some sick sexual twist from our baby feeding from our breast. You’re the sick one for thinking that. Just like it’s not a bad thing if a mother can’t breastfeed or is too uncomfortable with breastfeeding. It does not make them a bad person either. I know there are some mothers who think that other mothers who don’t breastfeed are poor excuses for mothers and who are wrongful to their babies and it’s not true and you’re the person who has their mind too far stuck up their butt on their high pedestal.

So Quiet, Peaceful & Yet I’m Bored (Why?):

They say you can never be bored when you have kids, but I call their bluff. I am always bored after my kids go to bed. Even though I always have stuff to do I get bored. I love my kids and I know they need sleep but without hearing running feet like a zoo house and the screaming it’s just too quiet and yet when their up I just want some quiet time some peaceful time so why is it when they sleep I can’t stand the absolute silent sound?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Upset With Pediatrician:

Why is it every time we take our daughter for check-ups that the doctor starts talking about me weaning my daughter from breastfeeding? I personally want to breastfeed until the age of 2 and she is only 14 months or until she decides to ween herself. I wanted the same and did the same with my son but he weaned at the age of 13 months and was done by 14 months. I keep telling her what my goal and plan is but she keeps bringing up weaning my daughter from the breast.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Does Having Kids Ruin Sex Lives?:

I say no although others would disagree with me. For the first 3-6 months or until you child sleeps through the night sex may either be the farthest thing from your mind or you may not be able to get time enough to make love with your partner.
You have to make the time to be intimate with your partner does this mean you have to make love, no, take time to hug, kiss, cuddle and loving. Love is not all about sex, it’s also about loving, caring, nurturing intimacy.
Time some time before just jumping right into sex. Next plan for just 1 night a week that works for you both and that’s your day or night to make love to your partner. Keep doing that and working in more love making sessions. Take your time and have fun it does not need to be stressful.
Both my partner and I made a promise to be intimate every night before bed and we only made love maybe once or twice a week and sometimes less. As our kids got a little older we made the promise to try and make love at least 3 days a week and we worked up to were we promised to try to make love once a day or night, whenever we can fit it in. Even if you take showers together you can have shower sex and sometimes shower sex can be the best sex.
Always remember to be intimate. Intimacy is always wonderful. Making love and intimacy helps put us in a good mood, can either relax us or make us feel energized and is also good for our health. Making love releases feel good endorphins that make us feel good and happy, so does being intimate but it doesn’t release the same amount. So remember take your time, start out slow, be intimate and have some fun.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sick ?

Well I've been so busy with the kids being sick and now myself that there hasn't been an update or post. So here is a quick update, Kira is doing better or shes just not letting it bother her much, Hayden had a fever and runny nose and he got better I thought but I guess he didn't since he's sick and not feeling good. Myself I thought that the kids got me sick and maybe they did, but right now my seasonal allergies are kicking my butt. Pat seems fine.
Not much really to say.
Kira's getting big, I can't believe it's been almost a year now. She's a talker, she only says a few words but she uses then non-stop. Mama, Dada and we think Baba means she wants the breast since she hasn't has or used a bottle. She is a big breastfeed-er, she loves the boob, but she vicious to them. She pokes, pinches, pushes and grabs at the breast.
Hayden has been going to Headstart when he isn't sick, and he loves school. I can't believe it's been 3 years. Time goes by too fast and I wish I took everyones advice on the time going by in the blink of an eye. It's scary, I miss those up all nights, cuddly munchkins, the hold me mama, I want you mama type of behavior you get from a baby. My kids are growing up so fast right in front of me and trying to take the time to enjoy it before time does fly by is hard. I miss the sweet sound of the babbles and coos when talking back to the kids, Kira does it but not like she use to.
Well I guess that's all for now, shoot me a idea to write about. Hope everyone is doing good and is in good health, (and not sick like us over here.) Have a great day.